Estimating Square Roots

Hi!!!!!!!! Today we are going to estimate the square root of 108. First we set up the boundaries. The lower boundary is 100 which is 10*10. The higher boundary is 121 which is 11*11. Now we find the midpoint. The number in between 10 and 11 is 10.5. 10.5+100 is 110.5 so we know that the square root of 108 can’t be 5 or above. 10.1 sounds too low and 10.2 could be estimated to be too low also. 10.3 or 10.4  sound like a good estimate. Now we put the number in the calculator and get about 10.39 which rounds up to 10.4.  Thank you for reading my post about estimating square roots.

About Me!!!!! :)

Hello!! Welcome to my blog ,I’m Madison Halaj. I enjoy books and drawing. I used to go to Parkersburg Catholic where I had a bunch of friends but now I’m a loner. I really like the Percy Jackson series and the Harry Potter series. My favorite movie is Divergent and Catching Fire. If I had to say I had any friends it would be Hunter Mchale and Noah Boylen. I enjoy school,which I know a bunch of people don’t. I also really and enjoy the internet and don’t like the outdoors. My favorite class in school is English. I hope you enjoy my blog! 🙂 🙂